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Supporting CND Hiroshima Events

Bromley Green Party members supported Bromley Borough CND Hiroshima Day Events 2022

On 6th of August 2022, Bromley CND members listened to poems and speeches opposite the Churchill Theatre and gave out leaflets.
After this, they marched to the lake in Church House gardens and threw chrysanthemum  flower heads on the lake where more poems were read and peace songs sung by Paul Steele and Leon Silver in memory of the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
At both events paper cranes were held in memory of Sadako Sasaki, the young girl who died of leukemia  in Hiroshima in 1955 and who folded 1000 paper cranes before she died.
1000 paper cranes had been sent to the Bromley CND group in a shoe box from Scottish CND.
Many thanks to all who participated.